ARCHIVED NEWS:::2010-2012
September 2 '
'tempis fugit' for kite string, soundwheel, toy piano, hourglass
Bart de Vrees, percussion
C.V. Oorebeek, electronics
Park Lepelenberg
Gaudeamus Music Week
September 8
"Chain Breaks" for Paëtzold, soprano recorder,
Glass carillon and fixed media (2012)
Eric Bosgraaf, recorders,
Wim Ruitenbeek, carillon
Zingende Toren, (The Singing Tower)
Gaudeamus Music Week
September 9
"Yombé" for cello and partially prepared piano
clips of an Aka dance (2012)
Frans van Ruth, piano
Doris Hochscheid, cello
Museum Speelklok,
Gaudeamus Music Week
Utrecht, Netherlands
December 2
"CHROMOTOY I three Sketches" for Toy Grand Piano, t.p. Tines,
Soundwheel and Electx (2012)wp
Phyllis Chen, Toy piano, t.p.tines, soundwheel
C.V. Oorebeek, live electronics
rainy days Festival de musique nouvelle
Philharmonie, Luxembourg
March 12
"Sisyphus Revisited" for string quartet wp
Doelen String Quartet
de Doelen
Rotterdam, Netherlands
November 13
"Serpentine" for pedals and midi-controlled
manuals I & II of the Fokker organ
Ere Lievonen, pedals and midi-controls
de Bamzaal, Muziekgebouw aan het Ij
Amsterdam, Netherlands
December 18
Steamlines Portrait Concert
van Abbe Museum
Eindhoven, Netherlands
January 10
"E D G E S" (2008)
for solo percussion with amplified
Plexiphone and Super 8 projector audio samples
Pepe Garcia, percussion
Hugo Morales, electronics
Stedelijk Museum Chapel,
Schiedam, Netherlands
24 January
"...if the princess was a beat, I'd marry it" for piano solo
Ashley Hribar, piano
Axes Jazz Power
Eindhoven, Netherlands
October 10
"Serpentine" for pedals and midi-controlled
manuals I & II, Fokker organ
Ere Lievonen, pedals and midi-controls
de Bamzaal, Muziekgebouw aan het Ij,
Amsterdam, Netherlands
November 7
"Crosspoints" (2005) for rietkwintet,
Gallerie Maree
Nijmegen, Netherlands